Men who have sex with men (MSM) are disproportionately affected by HIV.
Over 70% of MSM meet sexual partners via dating apps.
Only about 15% of dating apps offer any sexual health information to users.
MSM preferences for PrEP-related public health messaging on dating apps are not well described.
To describe preferences and desired content for PrEP advertisements displayed on dating apps among MSM.
To include non-English speaking study participants, which has not previously been done for studies on this topic.
We conducted individual in-depth interviews (N=16) and one focus group (N=3) with MSM recruited from a mobile sexual health unit in Boston, Massachusetts.
Open-ended questions focused on use of dating apps, attitudes towards PrEP promotion on dating apps, and preferences for content of PrEP advertisements on dating apps.
Content analysis was used to identify themes related to ad content and integration with app use.
Two coders double-coded three (>10%) of the transcripts and completed code application training tests in Dedoose to ensure inter-rater reliability.