HIV/TB Research 9 Apr 2024
Download this article in PDF formatBackground Nigeria accounts for 9% of the global HIV burden, with about 10% of new HIV cases occurring in the country. The National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA) states that only 60% of men 15 years and older living with HIV are currently on HIV treatment. Studies show that men and boys are less likely than their female counterparts to test for HIV, initiate antiretroviral therapy and remain engaged in care. Structural barriers, such as clinic operating hours or locations that are inconvenient for men who work, and the direct or indirect opportunity costs of obtaining services, such as time lost from work, prevent men from accessing HIV services. Due to these factors, it is more difficult to identify men with HIV relative to women. The USAID-funded Reaching Impact, Saturation, and Epidemic Control (RISE) project implemented Index Testing (IT) as a strategy to increase HIV case identification among men through their sexual partners.